As we grow up, we put on many facade. To be true to oneself is important to find sanity.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
life is tough
Even though whatever it is, because You are my choice, I will do it no matter I feel it or not. I guess what Ian says tt i can understand the general criteria, but it varies at different circumstances. I'm a person who changed too much. until i do not have something that i stand for, or someone i till stand for.
Only by that choice I can go through thick and thin, it is only when we can do that, we know what we truly value.
forget myself, just for you.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Holland Village - one of my favorite hang out!

Went to Thai express at holland v with my new colleagues! some of my very good friends now.. ;)
There they are.. from the left, its Eunice and Chelsea!! :)
oh.. my favorite chix wings! hahaha but i think the deep friend chix wings are better.. ;) but i'm really surprised how can the stuff so much meat into the chix wing and how did they remove the bones?
hmm.. anywayz.. saw this documentary about a micro chip today.. planting into the forearm or upper hand, just rite underneath the skin..
Its exactly like what the bible said. . its really scary.. nothing that was said in the bible which didn't come true.. :) God almighty, you're the one and true God indeed!
Anyway, i was hoping to find a picture of 2 muscians.. share some of my thoughts about relationships with you..
I think relationships is just like making a wonderful piece of music. Each of us are the muscians and the tune that we play comes from our hearts. In a band, we'll have to listen to one another and play the tune accordingly, softening at some parts, counter melody at some parts, carrying on the tune, blending in the chords, adding the little details to beautify the piece of music! haha,, Chim rite.. haha.. music always has to have a balance, and when the music ends, it leaves an echo of the last note, just like how wonderful relationship leaves its sweet footprints on our hearts and memories.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Monday, 8th sept, was Joses (not Moses) first day.. i was gone for the whole morning with some reports to rush coz it only came back over the weekend.. (wanted to die when i realized it) and then when i was back in office like 1130am (half an hour before lunch) i just got to know i'll be teaching Joses!! must be some joke my manager is making rite.. think they wana match make the both of us.. -_-'" anyway, he's a nice guy la.. can bully that kind!! hahaha!! ops.. better dun laugh too loud.. ;)
Anyway, this guy is good!! wahaha.. he picks up really fast (like me) haha asks stupid questions like me.. and asks confusing questions like me!! hahaha and my answers make it even more confusing.. hahaha i cannot la.. haha but i do really wish i had recorded winson's answers, so i can just cut and paste to Joses.. hahaha
Anyway, that was what happened on monday.. =]
Have been waking up at 4 am to do my reports! coz gab is sick i too pai seh to ask him to help me do my reports when he has his own to do.. :( feel really bad for him. But i really just thank God he can make it to work.. coz i really got no time to take over his work load..
With teaching Joses, doing the STUPID SI 100 Ranking, and my own reports.. the volume is average. but i can't handle so much when i spend most of my time now teaching Joses.. Dun misunderstand, I do enjoy teaching Joses, haha he's a good kid to teach, learn fast, humble, can bully! hahaha.. just that i can't cope! think i got to start leaving my weekdays free coz i got to start doing OT.. :( I start to not like to do OT le..
Speaking of which!! see below @-@
Supper after a late night of OT! wahaha! at one of my favourite lavender food court! haha actually i do enjoy my manager's eating habits but i got to keep fit man! at the rate we're eating all the good food.. I'm sure going to get round round! hahaha but I LOVE IT! wahaha! Love life! *muacks!
Haha.. but the bad thing i forgot to claim OT!! OH NO rite!! How can I do this.. I used to not mind it until I think i really need to.. haha.. ok la.. but very like me, but if its for Total Swimming, i think its ok.. but seriously.. I think my company doesn't pay well.. :( But i like the company for the family like feeling.. :) I think its warmer than home..just that it doesn't have a bed for me to sleep.. otherwise i would love to stay with my colleagues! hahaha they're fun, sporty, funny, entertaining.. ;)
"Cherish" what a tough word to keep.. I apologised today.. Finally.. I'm not sure it means anything anymore coz it has been a repeating scene for a thousand and one time. But I'm praying God will supernaturally change me. Like what terence say. And i got to stay humble and keep praying. I believe God can TRANSFORM ME!!
Mark 11:23 - 24 "For assuredly, i say to you, whoever says to this mountain ;Be moved and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whateer he says. Therefore i say to you, what ever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
Jesus and Xiuchun Jiayou!! Forever together! Nothing can stop us! for nothing is impossible! Wahahaha!! ^^v
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008

Clips from sis!! haha! It fits so nicely on my office table.. Thank God for the nice blessings and decorations! Love my sis!! Yeah! Her birthday this sunday.. going to get a carebear cake for her.. hopefully can get it.. not enough time!