Friday, March 04, 2005


changing for God is so much easier for me.
from what i think, i feel that if we're changing for God, He is our source of strength and motivation.
and also about changing because of guilt or because of love.
we are not directly pressured when we hurt God, but we always know that God wants us to change for good and if we already promise we cannot backout and we know by us changing, we knows it please God, as it will please others by not hurting them and meeting expectations. but have to be cautious not to let it stumble us, which is changing for the good, not for the evil.

yup so this is one of the things i learnt this week

school work is piling up, presentations are coming, submission of reports are all coming up.
but none the less, i still have time for my friends!! i always enjoy all of your presences k?
miss of you!!

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