Tuesday, March 01, 2005

God, How to live up to Your kind of love?

there's so many questions i want to ask God,
there's so many things i dun know how to do it God's way
there's so many things i'm doing in vain
God, hear my prayers?

Be a nice person. that's how i started, i think i was doing ok, until the hurts came.
Do you know the kind of feeling? when you're helping someone, you dun know how to, you put ur heart out, but people, dun want it, people dun need your help, when you ask them about it, they dun reply. when i back off saying, i'm not in your position i dun understand, have your way, i'll pray for you, nite nite.

so what now..
whats between a concern and an irritating person?
friends..what should friends be like?
extra mile? how does it apply to real life?
benefit, detriment analysis? i seriously think that it does not apply in friendships and God's love.

So how much can i give? how could i give it beyond what i could? i want to, but how?
How can anyone learn without hurting anybody??
the answer is no..
i feel bad
but everything was said n done

hurts (theirs) again..
pride (mine) again..
yet again (us)..

hmm....haiz..i'm ok la..i hope no one sees this..
dun worry about me..
i need to learn..
and i know people are helping me to

Jesus, i need your Grace..

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