Monday, October 20, 2008

First day off!!

Spent the whole day with my sister today. Haha.. firstly we went to look at wigs!! so funnY! my sister with long hair!! haha.. looks like my mum man.. hahaha take a look!

Then i tried the wig.. amazingly i think it looks quite good! but my sister say i look like philippino maid.. haha maybe coz too pretty ya? hahaha

Found this shrek hat. haha balded and ugly ears...

My sis bought this spects haha.. reminds me of my good old days! :D with spects! still so pretty! hahaha can't stand it! hahaha..
Super zhi lian.. hahaha

my cute sis! hahaha

You're a star!! a very interesting encouragement card.. from some social work project.. :)

Love my first off day!! many more good off days to come!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Keep The Romance
Jude 17-23

Keep yourselves in the love of God. —Jude 21

Is the romance still going on in our relationship with Jesus? When we first came in faith to Christ, we experienced the joy of knowing our sins were forgiven and we were adopted into His family. Our hearts were full and overflowing with love for the Lord. We longed to please Him.

As time passed, however, the zeal of our first love may have begun to cool. That's why we need to take to heart the words of Jude in his brief letter. He wrote, "Keep yourselves in the love of God" (v.21). Jesus used similar terms when He said, "Abide in My love" (John 15:9-10). We nurture that love when we focus on pleasing Him instead of ourselves.

Keep the romance going. — David C. Egner

"Keep yourselves in the love of God"Is what He says to do;Feeding on His Word each day,You'll find His love anew. —Hess
To renew your love for Christ, review His love for you.

Overcoming Envy
1 Peter 3:8-12

Be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers. —1 Peter 3:8

It's understandable to want to be a success like a neighbor. But it is wrong to have an attitude that says, "If I can't have it, I don't want anyone else to have it either."

I was about 13 when I began to realize that my 10-year-old brother Len's athletic skills were greater than mine. At first a tinge of resentment rose up within me, but it didn't have a chance to develop into a strong feeling of envy. Why? Because I loved Len. I soon began to take pride in his athletic achievements and felt with him the joy of victory and the agony of defeat.

That experience taught me that love and envy cannot coexist in the human heart. Now, whenever envy rears its ugly head, I recall how my love for Len drove it out of me. I also remember the admonition of 1 Peter 3:8, "Love as brothers." It enables me to "rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep" (Romans 12:15).

Being committed to loving others is the secret to overcoming envy. — Herbert Vander Lugt

From seeds of envy in the heartSpring up the noxious weeds of hate;So help me, Lord, to love the oneWhom I find hard to tolerate. —D. De Haan
A daily dose of Christlike love will heal the heart disease of envy.

Random stuff

  • I miss Imee, God I pray that she'll find you.
  • I miss my handphone.. like a pet that didn't come home feeling.. when i see the charger its like seeing an empty cage
  • I miss my intimacy with God
  • Its not about choosing my feelings or you. But its about because you are more important, I put your feelings before mine. I understand and see your feelings more impt than mine.
  • An argument is not simply just who wins and who loses. Its an avenue to show love and feedback for change afterward.
  • I love my friends! Janice, Hui Ching, Richelle, Laura, Joses, Eunice, Chelsea, Jen... etc.
  • I feel like sleeping now...

Is it my emotions or lack of faith?

I think its a combination of things..

One week ago, i could still hear some of the things God is teaching me about being patient and if i dun enjoy what i have now but always thinking about what i can get, i will never enjoy them when i get them.

I could on and off hear things from God..but these days i feel so far away. I think becoz i dun act to seek God.

help me Lord..

You're are the most important God of my life. Not any man, nor my job.

fell down ystday while blading..

hp lost too..